[Статус игроков]
[Все персонажи]
[Fighter 12] [Ranger 20] [Mage 12] [Crafter 64] [Thief 4] [Bard 3] [Newbie 8]
Fighter |
Info |
1 |
The Admirable Brawl Stars, Adept Warrior |
2 |
Chifa |
3 |
The Outcast Dunk, Grandmaster Swordsman |
4 |
The Outcast Egg, Grandmaster Healer |
5 |
The Trustworthy El Praider, Grandmaster Warrior |
6 |
The Scoundrel Errow, Grandmaster Healer |
7 |
The Outcast Gedher, Grandmaster Warrior |
8 |
The Outcast Kifa, Grandmaster Healer |
9 |
Lifa |
10 |
The Despicable Milana, Grandmaster Armsman |
11 |
The Unsavory Onix, Grandmaster Shieldsfighter |
12 |
The Despicable Shifa, Grandmaster Healer |
Ranger |
Info |
1 |
The Glorious Aribet, Grandmaster Ranger |
2 |
Belebriviel |
3 |
The Glorious Blood Raven, Grandmaster Ranger |
4 |
The Estimable Crawling, Grandmaster Tracker |
5 |
The Good Danich, Grandmaster Tamer |
6 |
The Great De Vertex, Grandmaster Camper |
7 |
The Trustworthy Elizabeth, Grandmaster Ranger |
8 |
The Kind Forestarcher, Grandmaster Ranger |
9 |
The Glorious Lady Gydra, Grandmaster Camper |
10 |
The Outcast Hawk |
11 |
The Fair Legolaz, Master Camper |
12 |
The Fair Lexus, Master Camper |
13 |
Nur Py |
14 |
The Honest Olobama, Grandmaster Tracker |
15 |
The Trustworthy Rosslady, Grandmaster Camper |
16 |
The Good Sborovec, Grandmaster Chef |
17 |
The Trustworthy Syncoops, Grandmaster Fisherman |
18 |
Umbra War Peace |
19 |
Yondu, Grandmaster Ranger |
20 |
Zoe |
Mage |
Info |
1 |
Abram, Grandmaster Scholar |
2 |
The Honest Alisa, Grandmaster Merchant |
3 |
The Unsavory Azize, Grandmaster Merchant |
4 |
The Glorious Lord Dani, Grandmaster Scholar |
5 |
The Glorious Electra, Grandmaster Scholar |
6 |
Inkvizitor, Grandmaster Scholar |
7 |
The Sinister Joanna Vieira, Grandmaster Merchant |
8 |
Koldun, Master Scholar |
9 |
Silver Salmon, Grandmaster Stoic |
10 |
The Kind Soul |
11 |
The Despicable Vivienne Wood, Grandmaster Medium |
12 |
The Honest Xal, Grandmaster Merchant |
Crafter |
Info |
1 |
The Good Accura, Grandmaster Armourer |
2 |
The Trustworthy Alekman, Grandmaster Tinker |
3 |
Angale, Grandmaster Miner |
4 |
The Trustworthy Ash, Grandmaster Miner |
5 |
Attradd, Grandmaster Armourer |
6 |
The Estimable Aule, Grandmaster Tinker |
7 |
Bazzlizio Dune, Grandmaster Armourer |
8 |
The Trustworthy Beesep, Grandmaster Miner |
9 |
The Commendable Bottega Veneta, Grandmaster Armourer |
10 |
The Glorious Bungler, Grandmaster Tinker |
11 |
The Glorious Lord Caterpillar, Grandmaster Lumberjack |
12 |
The Glorious Lord Craft Raven, Master Lumberjack |
13 |
The Glorious Lord Craftonafter, Grandmaster Armourer |
14 |
The Trustworthy Eelke, Grandmaster Tailor |
15 |
The Noble Lord Eliaz, Grandmaster Armourer |
16 |
The Trustworthy Elkris, Grandmaster Armourer |
17 |
Engineer, Grandmaster Bowyer |
18 |
The Trustworthy Fermer Craft, Grandmaster Armourer |
19 |
The Trustworthy Freak, Grandmaster Bowyer |
20 |
The Glorious Lord Gabana, Grandmaster Armourer |
21 |
The Honest Gimli, Grandmaster Carpenter |
22 |
The Honest Grab |
23 |
The Trustworthy Grand Miner, Grandmaster Armourer |
24 |
The Honest Ha Dur |
25 |
The Trustworthy Halel, Grandmaster Bowyer |
26 |
The Trustworthy Heretic, Grandmaster Miner |
27 |
The Honest Inc |
28 |
Jack Wolfskin, Grandmaster Miner |
29 |
Jasmine Loss, Grandmaster Armourer |
30 |
The Trustworthy Jilin, Grandmaster Miner |
31 |
Jr Jim, Grandmaster Armourer |
32 |
The Trustworthy Kanjo, Grandmaster Bowyer |
33 |
The Good Kilwik, Grandmaster Armourer |
34 |
Kiron, Grandmaster Tinker |
35 |
The Honest Kokos, Grandmaster Miner |
36 |
The Glorious Korben Dallas, Grandmaster Armourer |
37 |
The Honest Laneth |
38 |
The Trustworthy Lax, Grandmaster Armourer |
39 |
The Trustworthy Litrarium, Grandmaster Tinker |
40 |
The Honest Lolipop |
41 |
The Glorious Malek, Grandmaster Miner |
42 |
The Unsavory Muzaffar, Grandmaster Armourer |
43 |
The Trustworthy Mystic Craft, Grandmaster Armourer |
44 |
The Trustworthy New Miner, Grandmaster Armourer |
45 |
The Trustworthy Papandopalas, Grandmaster Armourer |
46 |
The Illustrious Lord Pereli, Grandmaster Armourer |
47 |
Py Long |
48 |
The Estimable Robert Bauer, Grandmaster Smith |
49 |
The Great This Is God, Grandmaster Bowyer |
50 |
The Trustworthy Tina Craftina, Grandmaster Carpenter |
51 |
The Estimable Toippin, Grandmaster Armourer |
52 |
The Glorious Topino, Grandmaster Miner |
53 |
The Great Torin, Grandmaster Armourer |
54 |
The Trustworthy Train, Grandmaster Armourer |
55 |
The Great Unique Man, Grandmaster Bowyer |
56 |
The Glorious Urdaddy, Grandmaster Miner |
57 |
The Glorious Vaha, Grandmaster Smith |
58 |
The Great Werkmeister, Grandmaster Smith |
59 |
The Honest Wheelly |
60 |
The Trustworthy Wurm, Grandmaster Miner |
61 |
The Trustworthy Xedos, Grandmaster Tinker |
62 |
Zakir, Grandmaster Armourer |
63 |
The Trustworthy Ze Kraggash, Grandmaster Lumberjack |
64 |
The Trustworthy Zhen, Grandmaster Miner |